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Let's look at the facts....

In 2023, it was announced that 1 in 36 children are being diagnosed with autism, but it is thought that around 1 in 10 people are neurodivergent. 86% of children on the spectrum experience disrupted sleep, and sleeplessness amplifies traits such as hyperactivity. As if that isn't enough, the heightened anxiety built up through the day from change, lack of routine and the struggle to understand societal 'norms' affects the ability to relax enough to achieve good quality sleep 
No wonder it's so difficult to drift off and stay asleep!

Did you know...

Sleep is incredibly important for every member of the family. It is a time for growth, fighting off illness and infection, and replenishing and repairing cells in the body. A good night's sleep is vital for physical and mental health.

 During sleep, our brain organises events from the day and consolidates memories, so poor sleep leads to reduced concentration, low mood and irritability, and difficulty adjusting and learning from new experiences.  


Autism already affects the ability to process new information, so not getting enough sleep really doesn't help the matter. 


Sleep support and advice often doesn't work for neurodivergent children, as the increased anxiety around change makes sleep problems worse and we need to delve much deeper to understand why the child is struggling. 



Can you relate? 

  • Difficulty getting your child to follow a bedtime routine and complete tasks such as teeth brushing or putting on pyjamas

  • Difficulty getting your child to fall asleep at a reasonable time

  • Regular night waking, wanting to play or becoming distressed

  • Early rising (before 6am) and being ready for the day

Sleepy Sprogs Autism Sleep Support

What's included? 


  • A detailed assessment of your child's needs, sleep environment and routines

  • A 90 minute consultation via Google Meet to discuss your bespoke plan

  • A PDF copy of your plan to refer to

  • Three weeks of unlimited messaging support via WhatsApp

  • Up to three phone calls to be booked within the three weeks support period. 

  • Access to digital copies of visual aids for you to print and use


Price: £297


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