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Dreamy nights, happy mornings- 

guiding little ones to sleep well

A head and shoulders picture of the business owner, Kelsey


Hi, I'm Kelsey Todd, Certified Baby Sleep Consultant

As a parent of three in a neurodiverse family, I understand the delicate dance of bedtime routines and the importance of a good night's sleep for both babies and parents. 


Tricky bedtimes, regular night waking, early mornings, difficulty napping? I've got you! 

I have advice and solutions for improving sleep from birth to 5 years.

Sleep Consulting With The Sleepy Sprog

Tailored support which considers parenting style, personality, temperament and needs. 

Detailed sleep assessment

Bespoke sleep plan

Access to support for 3 weeks after receiving the plan

Birth-5 years

Newborn advice sessions

A newborn baby in a blue sleeping bag

"Kelsey listened to our worries and talked through our concerns, then came up with a clear, step by step plan for us that took into consideration our parenting styles and Esme's personality and temperament. In one week we went from Esme refusing to sleep in her cot with lots of tears, to Esme settling herself in the cot and sleeping through the night. Kelsey was very knowledgeable and not only showed us how to get results, she also explained the science behind it all and how different things affect sleep. I'm a very anxious mum and I didn't want to leave Esme when she was upset. Kelsey took this into consideration, she gave me lots of options and we managed to do the transition without me leaving Esme to cry for even a minute. Kelsey was there to give us little tips or advice when we needed her and we are so grateful for Kelsey's help. We are enjoying having our own time in the evenings now. We're all sleeping better and our quality of life and wellbeing has improved massively!".

Cheyenne W

"I absolutely loved the newborn sleeping consultation that Kelsey provided for myself, my husband, my mum and even my dad. Kelsey made me feel very comfortable and able to ask any questions I had throughout the session. I learnt things that we will definitely use when our baby boy Travie arrives come June. In fact, quite a few things that Kelsey taught us, ALL four of us had never head of before. It was so extremely helpful and I would recommend this to every single pregnant woman I come across. I feel so much more at ease when it comes to newborn sleep safety. Something I didn't realise I was anxious about until we completed this consultation. All the info thrown at you as a first time mum is extremely overwhelming and I found this session to be the most enjoyable and easy to take in. Not overwhelming at all and made me feel alot calmer about the sleepless nights".

Charlotte M

"Kelsey has been our fairy godmother! She has absolutely saved our sanity and our baby is finally sleeping through the night! When we first started I assumed my daughters sleep would improved somewhat but Kelsey went above and beyond to support us and she offered so many tips and helpful advice that resulted in the unimaginable - a self settling baby who now loves her sleep and sleeps right through! Kelsey helped remove all our anxiety and worry around nap and bedtime with her reassurance and attentiveness. She is incredibly approachable and creates a really calm, safe space to express all and any concerns and worries. I’m definitely an over thinker yet Kelsey was always more than happy to answer my never ending list of questions and was always filling me with confidence that we were doing the right thing. We could never see the light at the end of the tunnel with an 8 month old who was waking almost hourly every night and never wanted to nap - it’s like our baby has done a full reset on sleep! I cannot express my sincere gratitude for Kelsey and her incredible work - we are eternally grateful!!"

Jess R

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